Kevin Curry is an adjunct in the School of Art and Art History at the University of Denver and teaches classes in Sculpture, 3D Approaches and Concepts.
He writes:
“My work involves a mapping of sorts, a multidisciplinary collection of history and storytelling that reflects the looked-over, passed-over, hidden and forgotten parts of our culture and lives. The aesthetic codification of language and information are key elements as I chronicle the lost and discarded, the preserved and the relished.”
He plays with reality by factoring the viewer’s distance into his pieces. Sometimes what appears ‘true’ from far away is not the entire reality presented in the work. Pieces from his “Value Added” collection, for example are created from one- or five-dollar bills. Curry cuts one 1/8″ square from each of 1,029 bills he wants to use before putting it back into circulation by using it for purchases, and then recreates one “whole” bill by placing all the squares with the help of an alphanumeric grid. From far away the viewer believes that the bills are normal money, but upon closer inspection, they see the reality. Curry will exhibit pieces from the “Value Added Series,” as well as the interactive sculptural piece, “Conjunction,” which connects participants physically, as well as through language.
To learn more about Kevin Curry and view more artworks, please visit http://kcurry.com/home.html