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Please email us at, or call 303.871.3716 with questions. 

Geoffrey Shamos, Director

Prior to serving as the Director at the Vicki Myhren Gallery, Geoffrey was the Development Director at RedLine Contemporary Art Center in Denver. He graduated from Yale University and has a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, where he specialized in Renaissance art from Northern Europe. He has worked at the Yale University Art Gallery, the Cantor Center for Visual Art at Stanford University, and the Metropolitan Art Museum in New York. Geoffrey is thrilled to be at the Vicki Myhren Gallery, where he engages with students and faculty, plans exhibitions and programs, and helps grow the university’s collection!

Lauren Hartog, Assistant to the Director
Danielle Cunningham, Senior Gallery Assistant
Hilary Gibson, Gallery Assistant

Please email the University Art Collections at if you have any questions.

Nessa Kerr, Collections Manager, University Art Collections

(M.A. 2015) has been working at the Myhren Gallery since September 2011 when she began her graduate degree at DU in Art History and Museum Studies. She worked as a Graduate Gallery Assistant and the Assistant to the Director before moving into her current position as Collections Manager for the University Art Collections (UAC) in January of 2016. Nessa is passionate about growing and preserving the UAC using best practices and guiding student workers through projects to make that a reality.

Kristin Chiesi, Collections Assistant

Student Collections Assistants

The University Art Collections (UAC) employs many student workers, both graduate and undergraduate, from programs including Art History/Museum Studies and Library and Information Science. Students learn skills in many areas including art handling and installation, object cataloging and condition reporting, object storage methods, HVAC tracking, Integrated Pest Management, data entry and database management, photography, image and document scanning and preservation, and more! Contact us at if you are interested in working with us.

Renee Bedard, Graduate Student Collections Assistant 
Nathalie CarloGraduate Student Collections Assistant
Kati Morgan, Student Collections Assistant
Kate Woestemeyer, Student Collections Assistant
Nicole Parks, Madden Museum of Art Program Director

Nicole Parks comes to the Madden Museum of Art after working as an independent art scholar, researcher, and curator, and as an art history instructor at the Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design. She’s worked for private art collections and several public institutions, most notably the Denver Art Museum where she was in the curatorial department of the Petrie Institute of Western American Art. There, Nicole was responsible for every aspect of exhibition planning and implementation, gallery rotations, catalog and book production, research, and for the development of educational materials and programming. Nicole has published several articles about American landscape painting and edited the catalog for the 2012-13 Charles Partridge Adams exhibition, which she co-curated. An alumna of the University of Denver’s art history program (MA 2013), Nicole wrote her thesis on Venetian painting.

Mesel Tzegai, Madden Museum of Art Fellow