Rafael Fajardo – Faculty Triennial 2012

Home / Artist Profiles / Rafael Fajardo – Faculty Triennial 2012

Above from top: Sketches from Fajardo’s game Juan and the Beanstalk; Papercraft (in)Action Figures – Faculty Triennial installation

Rafael Fajardo is an Associate Professor in Electronic Media Art & Design and Director of Digital Media Studies at the University of Denver. Fajardo is the founding director of SWEAT, an artist collaborative that makes socially conscious video games. Exhibited in Holland, Turkey, Canada, Australia and the US, Fajardo has published two video games that address the “game-like nature” of  human traffic at the US/Mexico border.

Visit http://rafaelfajardo.com to see more of Rafael’s work and be sure to check out Fajardo’s Tumblr for a dose of design thinking and over all inspiration http://rafaelfajardo.tumblr.com