Gonkar Gyatso: Intimacy and Immediacy Curated by Dr. Sarah Magnatta September 28 through November 26, 2023 Vicki Myhren Gallery Opening Reception: Thursday, September 28 from 5:00-7:00 PM In Fall 2023, the Vicki Myhren Gallery at the University of Denver will showcase the work of acclaimed artist Gonkar Gyatso. In 2009, Gyatso became the first Tibetan artist...
Tag: Vicki Myhren Gallery
Virtual Event: Troy Montes-Michie in conversation with Denny Mwaura
Friday, April 21, 4:00-5:30 pm MT https://udenver.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qwqWDg_oTNS_HSdVmkTxkw Join artist Troy Montes-Michie and Chicago-based curator Denny Mwaura for a dialogue on style, self-fashioning, and sexuality as expressed in his collages and textiles. Together, the two discuss the influences of the Zoot suit’s history, pop culture, and lived experiences on the Texas-Mexico border have had on Michie’s...
Transformative Power Exhibition
“Transformative Power: Indigenous Feminisms” is an exhibitions exploring the feminine by Indigenous artists curated by Daina Warren at Vicki Myhren Gallery. To reserve your appointment during gallery hours from 12 -5 PM Tuesday – Sunday please email the gallery. For directions on how to get to our gallery space on the University of Denver’s main...
Transformative Power Opening Reception
Join us for the opening reception of “Transformative Power: Indigenous Feminisms” curated by Daina Warren. Light refreshments provided. RSVPs appreciated but not required for attendance. See the map below for directions to our gallery space on the University of Denver’s main campus.
Opening Reception Postponed!
The Vicki Myhren Gallery is postponing the opening reception of Jing Qin: the Fountain of Eudemonia. The new opening reception date is April 14, 2022 from 5 -8 PM. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience brought on by this change. To learn more about the exhibition and Qin, visit the exhibition webpage.
Guided Meditation
Join guest host Katelyn Young in the gallery for a guided meditation session. Coffee and snacks are provided. Free and open to the public! RSVP by emailing us at vmgallery@du.edu.
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