Tag: Kevin Curry

Meet You At Conjunction Junction

Kevin Curry’s Conjunction has been a huge hit at this year’s Faculty Triennial show. The appeal of Conjunction lies in its interactive features. When two people activate this piece by standing on the welcome mats at either end, the neon word ‘and’ is illuminated. Kevin writes that his piece connects participants through language and action....

February 28, 2012December 3, 2019

Kevin Curry – Faculty Triennial 2012

Kevin Curry is an adjunct in the School of Art and Art History at the University of Denver and teaches classes in Sculpture, 3D Approaches and Concepts. He writes: “My work involves a mapping of sorts, a multidisciplinary collection of history and storytelling that reflects the looked-over, passed-over, hidden and forgotten parts of our culture...

January 9, 2012December 3, 2019