A Painting Unveiled

A Painting Unveiled

Three grazing cows amble across the foreground of a verdant green landscape; a cluster of their bovine companions gather under the shade of a massive oak nearby. The sky is a serene blue-grey, and the whole scene is washed in a dusty golden hue. Albert Bierstadt’s painting, “Weeping Oaks, Clear Creek, California” (ca. 1881) is one of the University Art Collection’s oldest and most valued acquisitions. It’s easy to see the artist’s mastery of form and light in this lovely landscape. Unfortunately, the piece was not shown to best advantage in its original frame, which had been poorly “restored” and...

History of Collecting Class at HASC

History of Collecting Class at HASC

This quarter, Professor of Art History, Annette Stott, is teaching a graduate seminar on the History of Collecting in the United States. The graduate seminar  studies the history of art collecting in the United States from the colonial era to the present.  Since September, the students have been learning about theories and philosophies of collecting, some important private and corporate collectors, issues in museum collections, dealers and auction houses, artists’ relations with collectors, the wide variety of types of art collected in the USA, and trends in contemporary global art collecting. Last Monday, the class culminated with this visit to the University’s...

Pool Party

There was quite a bit of excitement around the Myhren Gallery last Thursday afternoon!  We attracted a new audience, and they came in droves into the lobby of the art building, wearing nothing but swimsuits and towels. Some of the students at the School of Art and Art History wondered if there might be an art installation in progress, but the influx of oddly clad visitors was caused by the fire alarm sounding at the Ritchie Center. Everyone swimming in the pool was forced to evacuate for almost an hour, so the swimmers took refuge from the fall chill in nearby buildings....

School group visits

School group visits

The normally hushed hallways of the School of Art and Art History have recently been ringing with the sounds of excited Kindergarteners. The Myhren Gallery has hosted multiple groups of school children and their parents over the past two weeks. On October 25th, a group from the Ricks Center here at DU stopped by; a great favorite was Chen Wenling’s “Happy Life #8” in the lobby. The following week, on November 1st, three groups of 20 children (and their parents) cycled through the gallery, which was one stop on a campus-wide tour. The young students spent the most time in...

Homecoming Weekend Open House

Homecoming Weekend Open House

Not much beats a university campus in the fall! The University of Denver recently celebrated its Homecoming and Family Weekend October 24-27. Students, families and alumna gathered together for three event-packed days, and the beautiful autumn weather cooperated. We here at the gallery also opened our doors to the throngs of people strolling through campus on Saturday. It was great to get to chat with returning alums, as well as meet with new prospective students interested in the programs offered at the School of Art and Art History. Food and drink abounded, and we were happy to welcome new visitors...

Homecoming Weekend Reception

Please join us for a special reception at the Juried Alumni Exhibition in celebration of Homecoming Weekend!  On Saturday, October 26 we will have extended hours from 10:30 to 6, and there beverages and light refreshments at the gallery.  We hope to see you there for some great art and conversation with fellow DU students, alumni, faculty and staff! For more information about the Juried Alumni Exhibition, please visit http://www.myhrengallery.com/current-season/2013-juried-alumni-exhibition/