Behind the Scenes: Framing the Warhols

Behind the Scenes: Framing the Warhols

It takes a lot of collaboration to put on an exhibition. Sometimes we do our own framing, but for the new Warhol prints, the gallery enlisted the help of Joan from Dry Creek Gold Leaf. These are large pieces, and we wanted to have permanent framing systems for them, so we turned to the experts. Two weeks ago, Joan and her colleagues spent the day out at Hampden Art Study Center (HASC) to mat and frame all of the new pieces in preparation for installation. HASC is accessible to students, faculty and researchers by appointment. Please contact us at if...



BFA Senior, Mikaela Fortune, was recently featured on Printeresting for her work displayed in Composite: 2014 BFA Exhibition in the Myhren Gallery at the University of Denver. It is a testament to her sophistication as an artist to be recognized on a national platform. Associate Professor, Catherine Chauvin, has worked with Mikaela since her freshman year at DU. When asked about her experiences with Mikaela, she commented: “In her first Foundation Drawing class at DU, I remember trying to keep this bright student challenged but found myself walking by her easel with little to say except ‘Great work,’ ‘Keep going,’ because her drawing...

BFA Preview

BFA Preview

We are excited to be opening the annual BFA Exhibition TONIGHT, May 15 from 5 to 7 pm at the Myhren Gallery. Please stop by to support our graduating BFAs and enjoy some refreshments and conversation before the end of the school year. If that isn’t enough enticement, here is a preview of some of the pieces on display. Exhibiting artists include Stephanie Biller, Kimberly Carbonari, Brandon Finamore, Mikaela Fortune, Sarah Fukami, Jessica James Gilbert, Lindsey Hubbell, Ting-yu Lin, Tanner Cole Minock, and Caleb Wassell. Also, check out DU Magazine’s article on the three opening receptions happening in Shwayder tonight. Click...

2014 BFA Exhibition Opening

2014 BFA Exhibition Opening

The 2014 BFA Exhibition, entitled Composite, will be opening in one week. The show will feature works by graduating seniors in the BFA programs of the DU School of Art & Art History. Exhibiting artists include Stephanie Biller, Kimberly Carbonari, Brandon Finamore, Mikaela Fortune, Sarah Fukami, Jessica James Gilbert, Lindsey Hubbell, Ting-yu Lin, Tanner Cole Minock, and Caleb Wassell. Installation begins today for the artists, who will work with Graduate Gallery Assistants at the Vicki Myhren Gallery to install their artwork. Don’t miss the opening reception on Thursday, May 15 from 5-7 PM to see the culmination of these artists’ efforts from their...

Walking West

Walking West

Emergent digital practices professor, Conor McGarrigle, was featured in a solo exhibition at Vicki Myhren Gallery in November 2012, shortly after he came to the University of Denver. Recently he completed a walking art performance, Walking West, during which he walked 26.2 miles on Colfax Avenue in Denver. To learn more about Conor McGarrigle’s walk on the longest continuous street in America, which was also captured with a satellite photograph, click here and here. To see more information about Conor McGarrigle’s 2012 exhibition at the Vicki Myhren Gallery , click here. Photos of Conor McGarrigle during Walking West shown below are by Jenny Fillipetti....

CPR Mural Spotlight

CPR Mural Spotlight

Colorado Public Radio reporter, Marc Shulgold, interviewed gallery director, Dan Jacobs about the restoration of the Thompson Mural in Margery Reed Hall! Click here to read the full story and learn more about the work it has taken to restore the Shakespeare mural.   Mural composite photo credit: William O’Connor