Early Women Artists of Colorado

Early Women Artists of Colorado

March 24 through May 1, 2016 Opening Reception: March 24, 5-7 PM The eleventh exhibition in conjunction with the Curatorial Practicum course will feature early Colorado women artists researched by graduate students in art history under the direction of Dr. Annette Stott, Professor of Art History, and Dan Jacobs, Director of the Vicki Myhren Gallery and Curator of the University Art Collections, in a two year sequence of courses. A significant portion of the art displayed is on extended loan from the Kirkland Museum of Fine and Decorative Art as part of a multi-year research partnership.

Pushing Boundaries – the making of…

Pushing Boundaries – the making of…

Our new exhibition, Pushing Boundaries: Early Women Artists of Colorado, opens in just 8 days! This exhibit is particularly special because of the collaboration with Kirkland Museum of Fine & Decorative Art. Throughout a two-year research project thirty-two students at DU’s School of Art and Art History conducted foundational research on the artwork loaned from Kirkland Museum of Fine & Decorative Art. The rediscovery of these eighteen artists resulted in surprising information overlooked and erased in the writing of Colorado art history. Students worked with Vicki Myhren Gallery director Dan Jacobs in the planning and presentation of the exhibit. The...

Upcoming – Pushing Boundaries

Upcoming – Pushing Boundaries

Pushing Boundaries: Early Women Artists of Colorado Opening Reception Thursday, March 24, 5-7 PM Show will run from March 24 to May 1. We are pleased to announce our next exhibit, Pushing Boundaries: Early Women Artists of Colorado. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth  centuries, social norms dictated a number of paths that women were expected to follow. Although some roles in art and education were considered acceptable occupations for educated women of the time, female artists were expected to stay within relatively narrow confines. Tenacious, resilient, and persistent in the face of gender norms, the eighteen Colorado artists...

Learning to Hear Color

Learning to Hear Color

We have put together many special events for our current exhibit, Learning to See Color, but this might be the most exciting one. In conjunction with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, Learning to Hear Color will be performed at the Newman Center for the Performing Arts on Thursday, February 25th. Andres Lopera (also a panelist in the symposium) will conduct a concert centered around the emotions and notes of red, blue, and yellow. As an added bonus, University of Denver students have created a digital light projection to accompany the performance. To buy tickets click here. We hope to see on the...



SNOW DAY! Today (Tuesday, February 2nd) the University of Denver is closed due to weather and so are we. Everyone stay safe and don’t try to make it to campus. We hope you go out and have a snowball fight, or stay in and drink some hot cocoa. We will reopen tomorrow (Wednesday, February 3rd) at noon.

Symposium Presenters

The wait is over! Here are the speakers lined up for the Learning to See Color Symposium. *To register for the symposium click here. Dean Sobel, Director of Clyfford Still Museum Dean Sobel will be the moderator for the symposium. Sobel was appointed Director of the Clyfford Still Museum in February of 2005. A specialist in 20th – century art, Sobel spearheaded the effort to create a permanent home for the Clyfford Still and Patricia Still estates, which encompass approximately 2,400 works of art by Still that were donated to the City of Denver in 2004 and 2005. Sobel led the process...