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Opening Reception Postponed!

The Vicki Myhren Gallery is postponing the opening reception of Jing Qin: the Fountain of Eudemonia. The new opening reception date is April 14, 2022 from 5 -8 PM. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience brought on by this change. To learn more about the exhibition and Qin, visit the exhibition webpage.

April 4, 2022April 4, 2022
Exquisite Corpse Collage Workshop

Exquisite Corpse Collage Workshop

Join VMG for a collaborative art making experience on Thursday, November 11, 2021 from 4:30 -5:30 PM. Based on the surealist of the exquisite corpse, or sometimes an exquisite cadeavor, this workshop will see participants create fantastical figures from recycled magazine and paper cut outs. We’ll be putting our own spin on the early 20th...

November 1, 2021November 1, 2021
Introducing The 2021 BFA Artists

Introducing The 2021 BFA Artists

Jordan Bigelow Jason Krichhoffer Duncan Paige Grover Sean Kennedy Kari Langford Liam McGaha Marie Negaard Benjamin Powell Eren Yazzi

May 11, 2021May 11, 2021
The Space(s) Between Artists Series

The Space(s) Between Artists Series

The Space(s) Between Artists Series is a joint virtual program presented by DU Vicki Myhren Gallery and UCCS Galleries of Contemporary premiering on April 14th, at 5:30 PM MDT and running bi-weekly on Wednesdays through June 9th, 2021. Events are free and will take place via Zoom – pre-registration requested at  The virtual series will...

April 7, 2021April 9, 2021
Snow Closure March 13 -14, 2021

Snow Closure March 13 -14, 2021

Snow is on the horizon folks! VICKI MYHREN GALLERY WILL BE CLOSED THE WEEKEND OF MARCH 13 AND MARCH 14 DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER IN THE DENVER COLORADO AREA. STAY SAFE AND COZY FRIENDS! While you’re stuck inside this weekend Denverites, make sure to check out the website for our latest exhibition The Space(s) Between....

March 12, 2021March 12, 2021