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Virtual Event: Troy Montes-Michie in conversation with Denny Mwaura

Virtual Event: Troy Montes-Michie in conversation with Denny Mwaura

Friday, April 21, 4:00-5:30 pm MT Join artist Troy Montes-Michie and Chicago-based curator Denny Mwaura for a dialogue on style, self-fashioning, and sexuality as expressed in his collages and textiles. Together, the two discuss the influences of the Zoot suit’s history, pop culture, and lived experiences on the Texas-Mexico border have had on Michie’s...

April 18, 2023April 19, 2023
Exquisite Corpse Collage Workshop

Exquisite Corpse Collage Workshop

Join VMG for a collaborative art making experience on Thursday, November 11, 2021 from 4:30 -5:30 PM. Based on the surealist of the exquisite corpse, or sometimes an exquisite cadeavor, this workshop will see participants create fantastical figures from recycled magazine and paper cut outs. We’ll be putting our own spin on the early 20th...

November 1, 2021November 1, 2021
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