Woman Life Freedom

An Iranian Anti-Regime Uprising

ژن ژیان ئازادی

زن زندگی آزادی

Curated by Mollie Hosmer-Dillard and poupeh missaghi

On Sept 16, 2022, Mahsa-Jina Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman, was killed in the custody of the so-called “morality police.” Her name became a symbol, igniting an unprecedented anti-regime revolutionary movement by Iranians, inside Iran and in the diaspora, under the slogan: Woman Life Freedom. The regime has been brutal in its response. Hundreds have been killed and imprisoned, but the movement continues, expanding and going into deeper layers, redefining itself every day.

In the aftermath of the killing, we decided to design a series of symbolic art pieces in response to the courage we were witnessing, especially from women and young people in the streets of Iran. The artworks on display came to life through the participation of communities who gathered to grieve in solidarity and to raise awareness about the Woman Life Freedom movement.

Woman Life Freedom Series #3, Pacific College of the Northwest. Portland, OR, 12 January 2023. Artists: JRG, Lydia Mae, Diane O., Emily Schnipper, Ryan T., Will E., Maya F., Lani, Kiah R., Sanaz Masoumi, Mica Ingland, poupeh, Mollie.

All works were created through a community collaborative process. Works are acrylic on paper mounted on panel.