The student curators in this year’s Curatorial Practicum class worked hard last quarter on an exhibition at the Clyfford Still Museum. The focus of the class taught by Myhren Gallery director Dan Jacobs changes every year, and 2014’s student curators had a particularly exciting assignment. The show, titled “Clyff Notes: A Lifetime of Works on...
Tag: curatorial practicum
New York Diary
Senior Gallery Assistant and Grad student extraordinaire Anna Estes reflects on the fall Curatorial Practicum trip to NYC… This October, the Curatorial Practicum class at DU, taught by Dan Jacobs, took a field trip to New York City. It was an art-tastic weekend, full of studio visits, galleries tours, and museums. For many of the...
Practicum Dikeou Collaboration
This fall, DU’s Curatorial Practicum class had the exciting opportunity to work with local artist, publisher and collector Devon Dikeou. An innovative conceptual artist, Dikeou has been active in both the Denver and New York contemporary art scenes for years. Practicum students collaborated with artists Nils Folke Anderson, Lucky DeBellevue, and Dikeou herself to facilitate three...
Thank You
For the final entry of my first quarter at DU it is wonderful to announce that the Thompson opening reception was a huge success and the show is fabuloso! Thank you to everyone that came out last Thursday evening. Our guest curators were busy all night explaining Thompson and his development as a Modern artist...
Interview with the Thompson Curating Team
The team during the Opening Reception in front of the mural display From left to right: Sarah Mills, Kirsten Nicholas, Molly Nuanes, This year our North Gallery has been handed over to Dan’s Curatorial Practicum class. Over the last nine weeks students have learned the different aspects of creating an exhibition—choosing a theme, selecting and...
Whistle while you work: Countdown to Thompson
Student curators Kirsten Nicholas (pictured above), Molly Nuanes, and Sarah Mills have been busy bees in the gallery this past week. Yesterday they learned the art of hanging as the countdown to Thompson continues. Hanging for a show is not as simple as Kirsten makes it look! There was a lot of math, measuring, and...