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Installation Continues on New Exhibitions

Installation Continues on New Exhibitions

Heard a lot of banging, drilling, and general construction noise while in the Shwayder Art Building recently?  Have you tried to visit the gallery in the last two weeks only to find the doors closed and locked?  No, we aren’t participating in spring cleaning at the gallery, but preparing for the opening of two exhibitions...

March 31, 2010December 3, 2019
Say What?! Interview With Two Curators

Say What?! Interview With Two Curators

Before our new show The Gleaners: Contemporary art from the collection of Sarah and Jim Taylor opened last Thursday, I was able to sit down with two of the student curators. Graduate students Samantha Carantit and Lindsay Smith guided me through their process for curating the show and how the pieces selected fit within their...

February 18, 2010December 3, 2019
Ummm…I…um like your work? How to talk to an artist

Ummm…I…um like your work? How to talk to an artist

Being able to meet an artist can be a fabulous experience…or incredibly intimidating depending on your adeptness at speaking with strangers who think way outside the box. If you are one of those that aren’t as comfortable, the entire Myhren gallery staff has prepared a short guide for you.  We’ve included the do’s and don’ts...

January 6, 2010December 3, 2019
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

It’s only 4 days into 2010 and so much has happened I don’t know where to begin. First, Myhren Gallery would like to welcome Kate Donaldson to our fine lookin’ staff as the new Operations Coordinator. She hails from Oregon and if you want to know her favorite Skittle color check back for my exclusive...

January 4, 2010December 3, 2019
Thank You

Thank You

For the final entry of my first quarter at DU it is wonderful to announce that the Thompson opening reception was a huge success and the show is fabuloso! Thank you to everyone that came out last Thursday evening.  Our guest curators were busy all night explaining Thompson and his development as a Modern artist...

November 19, 2009December 3, 2019
Interview with the Thompson Curating Team

Interview with the Thompson Curating Team

The team during the Opening Reception in front of the mural display From left to right: Sarah Mills, Kirsten Nicholas, Molly Nuanes, This year our North Gallery has been handed over to Dan’s Curatorial Practicum class.  Over the last nine weeks students have learned the different aspects of creating an exhibition—choosing a theme, selecting and...

November 11, 2009December 3, 2019