Whistle while you work: Countdown to Thompson

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Whistle while you work: Countdown to Thompson


Student curators Kirsten Nicholas (pictured above), Molly Nuanes, and Sarah Mills have been busy bees in the gallery this past week.  Yesterday they learned the art of hanging as the countdown to Thompson continues. Hanging for a show is not as simple as Kirsten makes it look!  There was a lot of math, measuring, and levels involved to get it right. Next time you’re at an exhibition take a look at the different ways curators have decided to hang pieces.  Where a painting is hung can not only cause you to physically see it differently, but can also make you connect it with other works or better understand the theme of the show.  Just think about how works were hung in the early salons.  There were so many on the wall it was difficult to concentrate on one work. Some works were so high they couldn’t even be seen–these were the “bad” works.

Make sure to check back on the blog tomorrow as I’ll post a recent interview with the three about the show.