Making Art / Making Community Opening

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Making Art / Making Community Opening

(Paul Shortt, Reserved for Loitering, South Compton St., St. Louis, MO, 2015)



Join us Thursday March 8th from 5-8pm for the opening of our newest exhibition Making Art / Making Community.

This exhibition centers on artists using social bridging strategies in their artmaking through participatory experiments, humorous critiques, and collaborative craft. These artists pull tactics from social science, psychology, education and design thinking. Referred to as “social practice” these artists use human relations as their artistic medium rather than a studio based creative practice.

Featured Artists:

Liat Berdugo

Emmy Bright

Stephanie Dinkins

Sameer Farooq& Mirjam Linschooten

Maria Molteni

Paul Shortt

Frankie Toan

Katie Watson