August 27 – September 27, 2015
The Vicki Myhren Gallery continues to celebrate the donors of art to the University Art Collections. Through their generosity, the collections have grown rapidly, now numbering over 3300 catalogued artworks.
August 27 – September 27, 2015
The Vicki Myhren Gallery continues to celebrate the donors of art to the University Art Collections. Through their generosity, the collections have grown rapidly, now numbering over 3300 catalogued artworks.
October 8 – November 15, 2015
This exhibition features pieces from an ongoing series of collected and bundled handmade ceramic “found” objects. Also included in the show are large-scale drawings relating to the to the ceramic artwork. Rosen, who is the Robert Arneson Endowed Chair in ceramic sculpture at University of California Davis, is a widely exhibited artist with works in many major art museums.
January 14 – March 6, 2016
This exhibition explores the underpinnings of color, with a particular emphasis on the shifting and elusive quality of the concept, in order to help the viewer see color in a richer and more complex way. Artworks drawn from the University Art Collections will be placed in dialog with works by regional and national contemporary artists.
March 24 – May 1, 2016
The eleventh exhibition in conjunction with the Curatorial Practicum course will feature early Colorado women artists researched by graduate students in art history under the direction of Dr. Annette Stott, Professor of Art History, and Dan Jacobs, Director of the Vicki Myhren Gallery and Curator of the University Art Collections, in a two year sequence of courses. A significant portion of the art displayed is on extended loan from the Kirkland Museum of Fine and Decorative Art as part of a multi-year research partnership.
May 12 – May 27, 2016
The Vicki Myhren Gallery will close out our exhibition year with a Student Art Show, running from May 12 – 27.
Please join us for the opening reception, featuring creative work by students of all disciplines at the University of Denver. Viviane Le Courtois, Program and Gallery Manager, Downtown Aurora Visual Arts (DAVA) and DU alumna, will serve as juror.