Kevin Curry’s Conjunction has been a huge hit at this year’s Faculty Triennial show. The appeal of Conjunction lies in its interactive features. When two people activate this piece by standing on the welcome mats at either end, the neon word ‘and’ is illuminated. Kevin writes that his piece connects participants through language and action. A remote control is employed to take a digital image of the moment; visitors can scan the QR code and find their photograph uploaded online.This piece has recently been updated with a custom made remote control and weight-activated switches. A Toshiba H30 HD camera was retro-fitted into a 1969 Polaroid Land Camera body. Kevin writes that in using a vintage Polaroid body, he addresses the nostalgia of standing before a camera.
Above: Images from Kevin Curry’s Conjunction, 2011. Reclaimed neon sign, wood, electronic, digital camera, remote. Variable dimensions.
The Faculty Triennial runs through March 11. You can see more of the images from this installation here